A downloadable Debug Room

Noche de alma, un consepto similar a la crisis existencial o a la deprecion, es lo que sufre San Juan Bautista en prision, al dudar de si Jesus era en verdad el mesias. Elizabeth tiene cosas en las que pensar, observemos en sus sueños las cosas en las que penso en estos 7 dias.

Esto podria decirse que es solo la debug room con place holder, la musica esta hecha por CockatooCollective, en 1 mes creo que tendre hecha una demo.

Hecho para la game jam del LSD:Dream Emulator 2023, dijeron que con que se base minimamente en los suelos esta bien.


Aceptar: X, espacio, enter

Cancelar:Z, esc

La mayoria de cosas estan terminadas pero no tenemos ni un solo sprite

Night of the soul, a concept similar to existential crisis or depression, is what Saint John the Baptist suffers in prison, when he doubts whether Jesus was really the messiah. Elizabeth has things to think about, let's observe in her dreams the things she thought about in these 7 days.

This could be said to be just the debug room with place holder, the music is made by CockatooCollective, in 1 month I think I will have a demo made.

Made for the LSD:Dream Emulator 2023 game jam, they said that as long as it is minimally based on the soil it is fine.


Accept: X, space, enter

Cancel: Z, esc

Most things are finished but we don't have a single sprite.


godotproject 388 MB

Development log


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